ATTENTION: exclusive PDF edition ready for instant download!
Stealth Amateur Radio is your ticket to enjoying amateur radio from apartments, condos, deed-restricted neighborhoods, or other "radio unfriendly" environments.
Your ability to enjoy amateur radio is under constant attack—but with Stealth Amateur Radio you can fight back, get on the air, and make plenty of stateside and DX contacts...right under everyone's noses! Only you will know how much fun you're having!
From: Kirk A. Kleinschmidt, NT0Z
RE: A "cloaking device" for your shack...
Dear Fellow Ham,
If your enjoyment of amateur radio is under siege from intrusive homeowner's associations, draconian deed restrictions or unfair CC&Rs (covenants, conditions and restrictions) — or if you live in an apartment or condo and want to get on the air without attracting unwanted attention — Stealth Amateur Radio will show you exactly how to:
• Build and install dozens of invisible, effective antennas, indoors and out.
• Use antenna tuners, autocouplers and open-wire feed lines to make your hidden antenna work well on more than one band.
• Set up an effective station that nobody outside your household will ever know about.
• Successfully operate a low-power (QRP) station — and understand why high power is unnecessary — even with stealthy antennas.
• Install and operate a mobile station — the right way! — to maximize performance while getting away from "radio unfriendly" locations.
• Operate portable stations from campgrounds, hotels, motels, parks, picnic areas or other "away from home" locations.
• Handle interference from your station (to nearby consumer electronics devices) and to your stealthy radio station.
• Enjoy operating from just about anywhere!
About the Author
I was first licensed in 1977 at age 15 (WD0BDA). I spent most of my early years chasing states and DXCC Entities on CW, with a little SSB thrown in for good measure. In 1970s central Minnesota, stealth operation wasn't necessary — although I'm sure my parents would have preferred something a bit more reserved than my backyard maze of antennas and feed lines.
My freshman year in college coincided with a solar cycle peak and marked the beginning of my career in Stealth Amateur Radio. Many of the antennas and stations I used during those years are detailed in the book. Some will remain forever unmentioned!
In 1988, after six years of college, eight years in broadcasting and countless stealthy ham stations and QTHs, I moved to Newington, Connecticut, to work at ARRL HQ. Even in ham radio mecca, until I found a ham landlord (the best kind!) I had to operate on the sly. After a brief stint as an assistant technical editor (where I was editor for the 1990 ARRL Handbook, pictured below) I took a position as QST's assistant managing editor (and de facto staff photographer), where I stayed until 1994, when I moved back to the woods and water of Minnesota.
From the mid-90s through 2005 — the period in which I actually wrote the first edition of Stealth Amateur Radio — I once again enjoyed small-town living and its freedom from "radio unfriendly" ordinances, deed restrictions, neighborhood associations and the like. Life sometimes imitates art, however, and in 2005 I found myself in a bigger Minnesota city living in a condo that allows no external antennas of any kind, and has a detail oriented townhouse association that runs a very tight ship.
After a false start with an unruly rain gutter antenna, I grabbed a copy of my own book, re-read it, and installed a horizontal loop in my third-floor attic and fed it through an autocoupler placed at the antenna's feed point. That antenna — a perennial favorite — is no doubt helped by the fact that my condo happens to be within 20 feet of the highest elevation in the county. My QRP signal is heard in every state and on all continents, and in the 150+ pages of Stealth Amateur Radio I show you how to do the same.
Over the years I've written dozens of magazine features and hundreds of columns on one ham radio topic or another. Since 1989 I've written a ham radio column every month in Popular Communications. In 2010 I started writing features and columns for Monitoring Times (I got my start with MT by writing features for the company's Satellite Times in the '90s). In 2014 I moved to The Spectrum Monitor. A few years back, Ward Silver, N0AX, wrote Ham Radio for Dummies for Wiley Publishers and generously asked me to be the book's technical editor. Between Ward's follow-on books and those of several other Wiley authors, I now have more than a dozen "Dummies" titles as technical editor under my belt! A few of the publication are shown below.

I contributed to these publications as a writer, editor or technical editor, but the copyrights of the books and magazines pictured above are owned by their respective companies.
My point is — whether by choice or circumstance — I have been using all of the techniques, tips and tricks I reveal in Stealth Amateur Radio for most of my 40+ years as a ham. It's not just regurgitated theory, it's seat-of-the-pants practicality. Like you, I have to be stealthy or I can't get on the air!
My friend Jock puts it this way:
The Rhombic Rangers want you!
I've always had a weakness for stories in which the forces of power and might get their comeuppance from those who are smarter and craftier. I cheer for the prisoners of war who build an escape tunnel under the nose of the commandant, and I root for the freedom fighters who slip in behind enemy lines. It's adventure of the best sort.
So I'd like to invite you on an adventure of your own — into the intriguing world of Stealth Amateur Radio. Kirk Kleinschmidt, NT0Z, a respected ham radio writer and former QST editor, is ready to guide you. A ham for more than three decades and a stealth operator for much of that time, Kirk has written a fascinating and useful volume that shows how to get the upper hand in the most trying circumstances. He's been there, done that, and has the QSL cards to prove it.
There may be forces of oppression surrounding you — antenna restriction laws, for example — but you can triumph through stealth and guile. Is there a dipole in that rain gutter? A vertical antenna hidden in that flagpole? A delta loop strung up in the trees? Only you know for sure.
If you believe that you need a few furlongs of aluminum sticking into the sky and a wad of cash to experience the best that amateur radio has to offer, I have a pleasant surprise for you: it's not so. There are many hams who have worked the world with shockingly modest stations. They'll tell you flat out that more bucks out of pocket do not equal more enjoyment.
What's more, Stealth Amateur Radio is fun . . . lots of fun. So it's no surprise that many hams voluntarily "go stealth" simply because they prefer it. It's enjoyable, challenging, and low cost. What's not to like?
If you've been looking for more fun, a challenge, or just to get on the air inexpensively, strike a blow for freedom: hang a rhombic or loop in the trees, dangle a longwire by the downspout, clamp a whip to the balcony rail. A world of adventure awaits you.
—Jock Elliott, KB2GOM |
One of my nicknames during the years I spent at ARRL HQ was "the consumer from hell." I was — and still am — focused on quality, value and fairness. When friends and family members need to find the best price or the best warranty on important purchases, they know I'll ferret out the best deal. And when a company is pulling a fast one and not delivering as promised, they know I'll get on the phone and give 'em hell.
I wouldn't expect anything less for my own products. I want only happy customers, and I have a long history and my good reputation as a ham radio journalist to back that up.
That's why — even though the PDF eBook version of Stealth Amateur Radio is only $7 — it comes with an unconditional, 30-day money-back guarantee.
$7 Fully Guaranteed
That's right. For the moment, Stealth Amateur Radio costs about as much as a fast-food "meal." And despite its low cost, it's fully guaranteed. If, for any reason, during the first 30 days, you decide that the book isn't what you expected, just send me a quick e-mail ( and I'll refund your purchase price, no questions asked.
Whatever you do, don't wait. This "stealthy" price won't be around forever. I'm preparing to publish another hardcopy edition, and when I do, the price will have to increase substantially. After investing money up front, brick-and-mortar publishing houses don't appreciate authors selling bargain-basement copies from the loading dock!
Because you are buying directly from the author, there is no other legitimate outlet — online or off — that can put the PDF edition of Stealth Amateur Radio in your ham radio library.
Click the "Buy it Now" button below to get your copy.
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- The complete book (150+ pages) in PDF format — instantly delivered to me via the internet.
- A no-questions asked, 30-day money-back guarantee.
- Knowledge that will help me get on the air and enjoy amateur radio no matter where I live!
Once your purchase is complete, please check the e-mail address you used to make your purchase (SPAM and JUNK folders, too) for your download link. If you need help, please contact me at THANKS!
Take advantage of this special offer today, while it's still available. Hardcopies of Stealth Amateur Radio have sold for more than $150 on eBay and That's downright crazy! For bargain-hunters everywhere, this is a much better deal!
Good luck, and stay stealthy!
Kirk A. Kleinschmidt, NT0Z
P.S. The Kindle edition of Stealth Amateur Radio will soon be available. Because it contains a lot of photos and figures, the book needs to be converted to a more Kindle-friendly format prior to uploading. That work is underway.
P.P.S. If you have questions, or if you have any difficulties with your purchase, feel free to drop me an e-mail at